I asked this before on here and people said that I need to speak to the guy who did some work for me.

Basically, I have a website which I designed in WD, and had an SEO person who began to optimise it. However, he went awol I think because he had really underquoted me for the work. Since then I we have changed addresses, but I have been scared to update the website in case I lose any search engine rankings as apparently he put a site map in and a 301 redirect.

I was informed on here that I need to find out exactly what he did to the site before anyone could advise me. I managed to contact him and he said this:

1. URL Canonicalisation issue was resolved with .htaccess fix.
2. 13 W3c errors were removed from the home page, as well as other pages in the website
3. robots.txt file was created and uploaded
4. sitemap.xml file was create and uploaded on 8th May 2009
5. Content was created and placed into a testing file, I can not see any record of this being signed off to go live.
6. .htaccess redirects were place from old site URL structure to the current URL Structure.

I don't really understand what this is, as I'm not really very well versed in the technical details of web design. What should I do? We are getting lots of post sent to the wrong address, but I really need to alter the website.

On another issue, I remember having massive problems uploading it using Xaras built in uploader, as I think the website is too big for it too handle. I tried using Filezilla, but I remember having all sorts of problems with htm. html tags or something on the homepage and it messed it all up. Therefore he was doing this for me.

site is:
