On a number of occasions XXP5 has crashed when I have tried to do a large scroll. There was no error message just "not responding" . I tried waiting for it to recover for about an hour as I had done a lot of work that I was about to loose.
Other crashes have been reported and many of them have also happened to me. Crash on save, crash on using fonts/text tool, crash on loading etc.
I sincerely hope that Xara will soon come out with a revised and more stable version as I, for one, am getting a bit nervous about using the prog. Yes, I know that we should save when we do anything - but we forget. other modern software does automatic saves and makes back-up copies.
I really like the prog BUT once you use it on a project you are pretty much committed to it for maintenance etc and if it is unstable you have to think twice before starting down that road.