Since everyone is asking for website feedback...

I have facelifted and streamlined my two websites.


I did all the graphics in Xara. I have two sites because I wasn't able to get my name URL until this year and previously I have my other URL published in professional directories.

Some issues I ran into:

1. With extemely large Xara files (300 megs) there is a tendency to have PNG errors in bitmap fills. I resolve this by opening a previous version of the same file and refilling the object with the fill from the other file.

The reason I use such a large file is that I use the same bitmaps for printing. To recreate the same bitmaps at lower resolutions to reduce file sizes is a hassle and I can't tell by looking in the bitmap gallery which bitmap is the higher resolution.

2. I noticed that there isn't a way to create an image map hotspot in Xara that's a circle. Just polygons and rectangles. Am I doing something wrong?

3. I wish there was a way to place order to the html exported from Xara or at least look at and edit it before it goes out. I've noticed that it goes from left to right with hotspots when creating an image map rather than in a numerical sequence. I spent a lot of time in Dreamweaver sorting the order so I could attach mouseover behaviors.

4. I didn't try this as a navbar from Xara because I don't like the interface. Would it have been easier? I use mouseovers on image maps because Xara can create such good compression that I don't need to create a graphic for every single little thing.

5. Any advice would be appreciated. I'm debating whether or not I like the circle of icons in my porfolio.
a.) I'm not sure I like it anymore
b.) Download issues.

6. I've debated whether or not to make this site more business like or more oriented to my personality. The previous business looking sites didn't do much for me and I like the personal feel better. Any opinions?


Sheffield Abella