Our college has about 20% foreign nationals and we produce a prospectus that is available in five languages.. English, Polish, Portuguese, Latvian, Lithuanian. Previously text was across the full page width, so it wasn't difficult to replace text in another language but this time out the college had a folder produced in which they could place photocopied inserts to save on cost. It's three double-sided A4's with a fold over leaf on the centre page.

Xtreme made light work of importing the PDF but there were a few anomalies which I had to correct where odd words overprinted. As the company who produced it had flowed text around images, simply replacing text gave me a lot of problems, for example the Polish translations took up more space than their English equivalent. OK.. popups to the rescue,each triggered from a mouseover embedded in a small image of the national flag.

Here it is: http://www.hhtc.org.uk/np/p1-welcome.htm

I've only done the first page of text in Polish and Portuguese buy the process is quite quick once you get your head around it: http://www.hhtc.org.uk/np/p1-welcome.htm

Once I get to the third page of text, http://www.hhtc.org.uk/np/p3-support.htm then it renders very slowly in comparison.

If anyone has any idea why this is so, I'd appreciate any advice or for that matter, any way in which the project can be improved.