Hiya folks...

I was just wondering... i just received my Xara Xtreme CDs in the mail today. I was eager to explore all of the free included "extras" on the CD but neither CD has any "extras".

On Xara's site they show a list of "what comes with Xara Xtreme 5":

Xara Xtreme 5What's included?
Instant unlock of the trial, plus a CD with the Xtreme software, full help, over 50 live Effects plug-ins, more than 3000 images including clipart, example illustrations and template graphics, 200 photos, 500 textures, 250 Truetype and PostScript fonts. A printed Quick Reference Card. Plus an extra Xara Xone CD containing a PDF manual and more than 80 HTML tutorials featuring step by step creation of images and Hints & Tips."

The only things i appear to have are the manual and the program. I have NO other files like the ones described in that list above. Just demos and some XaraXone stuff.

Is there anyone here that can explain why this is?

Thank you for your time. >
