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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    SF, US

    Default Hiding Layers from going live HELP

    Hello, Is there a way to Hide a layer from going live once the site is exported to web? I thought by turning off the layers visible and editing buttons, it might hide it from going to the live site. But it doesn't. I would hate to have to always move these elements/layers I create off to the side of a page out of sight on the work area and always have to move them back when I want them to be seen.
    An example of this is, not showing a paypal button or a Text layer until I am ready. IE: I am updating a price on something, and don't want it to be active yet, and all elements in the layer are lined up and if I move it off the page to be hidden and move it back, it may not be in exact spot on each page and would be a big hassle to have to do that for every single thing I want hidden at that moment. OR I have some text that I want to be hidden until I am ready.

    Last edited by Eyescream; 13 September 2009 at 01:33 AM.



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