hard to explain with words so I will attach the files

news2.web used to have the usual white color when "View Quality" is set to
only a outline. It was black lines on a white back ground.
Suddenly it is now a dark grey color with black lines. I can't see this in any layer when I choose the Galleries-Object Gallery, where you can see "everything" on the page.
THis is not affecting the look of the page and I can edit the rest of the objects although when in "outline" view they are difficult to select.
In full color I can select objects like normal . This is also not effecting the
way the page looks after export so it is not a "major" issue but I would like
to know what it is about.

Second issue:
I have a retangle , white in color that seems to be part of my background layer.. I can change the color of the background and resize it etc.
but cannot select this retangle to remove it. It also does not show up in the
Objects Gallery and is why I assume it is part of the back ground.
It is black dotted lines with white color in the center and about 600 x 800 pixels in size.
Any idea how to remove it?

It does not show up in preview(tho I use a black background color so it may be that) So it is not affecting the general look of the page.

THird Issue: this is one that nobody seems to have a clue. I have posted it here and filed ticket with support and after a week have received no response from anyone so I will ask again here.

My photos in the page latest.htm , or if you go to the site meganfoxshrine.com
and click "Latest Story" on the top NavBar you will be on the page.
or direct www.meganfoxshrine.com/latest.htm

Click on a thumbnail or any photo. They are supposed to enlarge to 800pixels
some may look OK. that is just because the edges are large enought.
on the smaller photos you will see that after the photo ends the background is the web page itself. Not a nice white color that it used to be.
I created this page "latest.web" with WD and used a fresh copy from the designs gallery, the gallery2.web file and copied it into the page , I then replaced bitmap to the photo I wanted and when done filling all the thumbnails.and setting the enlarge size to 600(it is 800 now) I even used the "Let Xara choose" the picture type. Instead of choosing 100% jpeg like I used to before. I then un grouped the soft group to move them where I wanted on the page and it looked real nice.
I spent a few hours on this. getting the images ready. writing out my text.
creating some new static images etc.

and was sick to my belly when I previewed it and seen the same issue of
a back ground of the webpage when enlarging the photos.

I thought I had this problem fixed when I first saw it a week ago on my website in the gallery.
I remade every page that had a photo. About twenty pages. I used Xtreme pro 5 and I reinstalled XWD and they pages came out like they should have.

I bought the max ram my pc can handle , four gigabytes and optimized and checked for viruses. I have no viruses. and I defraged my drives even my semi back up drive on this PC with Vista. Its a duel core Intel two gig CPU.
and I can run several programs and it runs fast for what it is.

My last resort is to reformat and reinstall Windows.
I dont have another Vista PC to try it on and I have no friends who are willing to take a chance of putting these files on them.

I also have questions about Windows Seven because I may upgrade and
also Vista has a second service pack just out. But I hear different things not so good about both.