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  1. #1

    Default Meta Text (have a check)


    Can someone who knows about code have a quick glance at the attachment. I've copied the code into a word doc and highlighted the parts in question to make it easier to identify.

    I am using some instant traffic software provided by my host provider and also have a google analytics and google adwords account.

    I was told to place my site Title, Keywords and Description (highlighted in red) between the <head> </head> which I think i've done correctly and the google tracker code (highlighted in blue) before the <body> which again I think I have done it right as my google account says it's status is ok and is revieving data.

    If what i've done is correct can I use the meta text within web properties page to export these instead of having to do it manually for each page. It's getting a bit annoying everytime I update.

    Attached Files Attached Files




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