I'm running XP SP 3, 3 gigs ram, 100 gig free hard disk space.

Recently when I click on Paint Shop Pro2 Icon the hour glass comes up for several moments ( like it's loading ) then nothing. Several clicks and nothing.

Yesterday this symptom started happening to several programs, they will not load. Hour glass then nothing.

Then I found that yes they are loading, invisibly, as a Process and not as an application.

In the windows Task Manager instead of being listed in applications they are under processes, an iteration for every click.

I've removed and reloaded PSP twice. Loaded PSPXI and PSPX, all the same results. I down loaded Photo Shop Elements 7 (trial) and it runs. MSIE 8 will run once and then same symptoms. And AOL, rock steady, go figer.

I've run Norton 360, AdAware, SpyBot, Anti-MalWare

UniBlu and ccleaner on registry

All my photo work as well as other things have come to a halt, because I cannot use my programs.

Please e-mail me direct errolgibbsaol.com

And if you ask me to reply. give me an address that doesn't go to a dead mail account.

Vaya Con Dios
Errol M. Gibbs