opposed to Pro4, Pro5 adds a line in its html export which says "<!-- saved from url=(0020)http://www.xara.com/ -->"
it is the second line in each html file.

The occurence of this line results in almost al the links to files not working properly when (pre)viewing the site from my harddisk.
In my case, where I have a site built from many multipage interlinked Xarafiles it means that these links are not working too.

The "buggy" line was not exported with Pro4

Anyone knows why this line is added and how Xara can be adjusted to avoid to manually have to edit every html file after each and every agjustment I make?

I also sent in a ticket but thought maybe someone on talkgraphics has any idea. If this can't be fixed, Pro5 could be a no-go for me.
