Forgive me if this has already been done but I did a search and couldn't find any kind of Wish List for future versions. Having worked with Xara WD for a while now, I have one or two wishes that I would like Xara to address in updated versions.

1. I'd like to be able to lock images to make them unselectable. For example, if a website has a large background image, I am always selecting it by accident when I want to select an image or text in front.

2. I have several websites, but the ftp publish details do not save with each project. So if you publish website x and then edit website y, it will try to publish it over website x.

3. If I am creating a 20 page website, I have to create 20 pages one by one. It would be good to be able to duplicate a page and have an option as to how many times.

4. I'd like to be able to add custom html to the header part of a page.

5. I'd like to be able to see a list of all pages so that I can quickly go to the one I want. I know I can zoom out and see several pages, but for larger websites a list would be useful.

That's a start.

With any luck, someone will come along and say all the above can be done already!
