Hi there,
I'm a long-time Paint Shop Pro user. My old Jasc PSP9 started freezing up and I had heard the horror stories of the Corel changes, but I decided I finally had to make the move to a newer version of PSP for compatibility to today's computers and resolutions.

I downloaded trials of PSPX 10.03 (2005) and PSPX2 Ultimate 12.50 (2008) and used both of them extensively. I was in a bind to finish a few websites when my old PSP crashed, so both PSP trials got a work-out.

I decided that I might have to buy the older version, PSPX, because on the other version, X2 Ultimate, I couldn't find the option on the crop tool that shows you where your crop rectangle is as far as "Left, Top, Right, and Bottom values".

I don't know what to call that tool exactly. I use it all the time when making graphics for websites. It tells you how many pixels from the left and bottom (for example) you're cropping the image at.

Does anyone know if there is a way to "turn on" the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom values for the crop tool on PSPX2 Ultimate?

Thanks in advance for any help.