I posted this under the main xara pro forum as it was initially more of an html question- how do you get a dynamicly-stretching flash site coded under xara-- you know-- shrinking or stretching to fill the browser window like some nice photographers' web sites do.

Since then, I realized flash will do this, and I'm wondering how I could emulate a certain style of website-- and whether the new v5 pro comes with any additional flash or other capabilities that could help me do this--

For example, there are some sites that have a full-sized photo as a faded backdrop to a webpage in ladnscape, and the menus are overlayed on top, so that when someone sees a portfolio, the pictures are as big as can be seen on that person's computer.

here is the effect I'm after:

http://sample333.photobiz.com/ from the site

(see how if you resize your browser, the picture still exactly fills it?)

I'm not so concerned with embedding a flash mp3 player, or in animating the nav buttons, but just getting a nice beautful large photo background, perhaps randomized, perhaps not, with a menu system that's on top of it, like a ribbon, to maximize space for the large photos.

I guess my whole thing is that any gallery less than full screen is only providing a certain percentage of visual impat, based on size alone. And I dont prefer to have those flash little boxes pop up with a windowto show a gallery-- they're still small. I like the whole screen used.

any ideas? or tutorials I've missed that cover this? approaches to emulating a simple site design in xara flash similar to site above?
