Hello all,

I'm relatively new here on the forum but am one of the original Xara users from back in the early 90s when I got my first copy and was moved for good off Corel Draw.

One of my favorite things is logo design and I thought it wold be fun to start a thread where we can post logo designs we've done and explain the artistic as well as 'psychological' strategy/rationale behind the design. I figure this way we can learn from and get ideas from each other, thereby delivering better results to our clients.

On my samples page, most thumbnails link to individual pages on the design where I explain, where ever possible, how the design was thought out & achieved. So I'll start the thread out with that link as an example and will look forward to seeing all the great work the rest of you are doing. And who knows, as we learn about each other perhaps collaborative opportunities will arise withing the 'Xara Artistic Family'!!


PS. I recently gave my site a facelift using Web Designer ... GREAT program and I hope they develop it to handle larger sites!