To whom it may concern,

It is with deep regret that I have to announce my resignation from this forum.
I`ve found it to be impossible to use - for all the reasons already specified in my previous posts - and when you are paying for internet access by the minute, as I am, then there comes a time when you have to say that enough is enough. I`ve wasted too much time and money and mostly ended up with frustration.

I`d like to say thankyou to those who have tried to help me with my problems - even though it was ultimately to no avail.

To all those who`ve viewed my paintings of Planets, you can see the full collection, including Starships and Supernovae at my newly updated website at....
.....follow the link for "Sketches for an Alternative Cosmos - a work in progress" on the front page.

There`s also a new desktop theme (cures migraines too) and screensaver, as well as E-Commerce for buying prints.

Everything there was created using Painter5.5 (there must be a word for them ....Painterings perhaps).

So, in the words of the late, great Douglas Adams
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.

Kevin Inskip (alias bigbloke)