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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Problems with exported PDF being recognised by Corel

    I have a commercial printer which do wine labels for us. They use Corel Draw X3, so I have Xara pro 4 for the graphic stuff on the labels, which I then export as a PDF and import the PDF into Corel.

    This process works fine much of the time, but I am getting an error on one of the PDF's when trying to open it in Corel - "The file is corrupted".

    Have tried various export options in Xara with no success. However I just tried opening the PDF with Acrobat and re-saving as an EPS. Corel is happy with that for some reason.

    What is going on and how do I solve it?

    (The files are attached as DogTest.xar and DogTest.pdf)

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