I am having another issue with Web Designer.

I managed to publish my site and noticed a couple of typos I had previously overlooked. After correcting them, I went on to publish the corrected version. Since then I get several messages that upload has timed out (even though my PC is a fairly new one and I have fast broadband connection)... sometimes the upload is aborted at 5% of the process sometimes at 85%.

Now when I finally got the site published, one of the pages which is my main index page, that was published fine originally, just does not show up on the screen.

Here is my site in case it can be of any help: www.avalonkennels.net

I use domain.com to host my domain and they can see all pages of my site except for the index (home) page.

Also, is there a number I can call for tech support?

Thsank you so much for your help.
