How do you find and view other member's websites? I am curious to see how everone has their sites setup and how much Xara was used and/or Web Designer. I'm curious to see styles and content and colors and how fast they load.

I don't see sites in profiles or any signatures. This would be the site where I would think you would find people who would know how to create a page. I know there is no commercial promotion here but listing a website in profile isn't a promotion. I assume I'm just missing the links because sometimes I look but I don't see what's right in front of me.

If you don't mind me browsing your sites, post a link here (if that's ok).

I have 6 weeks of lessons on selling your artwork. I have had them forever and never done anything with them. I don't feel that I'm all that good and feel embarrassed promoting my work to anyone. I then remembered my mother's good friend who was not a very good artist but she was wonderful at marketing and sold quite alot of her watercolor artwork (kind of like Bill Gates). She never considered that her work was so-so. She believed in herself. If you put your product in a closet, you'll never sell anything. So, I dug lesson one out.

Lesson one says:

What is your purpose for being online?
Improve your website
Cull and add images
add website URL to signature
add a tracker to your site

That's pretty much all it said. Finally started updating my site but I'm again too embarrassed to try promoting any of it. I don't have the creativity that so many of you have. I don't have my style that so many of you have. So for now, I'm not going to upload my new and improved site. I'll just keep playing with it till I can make something special to share.

PS, if anyone wants to know what lesson 2 says, just let me know here.