That's great doby, you were able to follow my directions I gave you...
Ok, the lighter picture would be easier to write over and still allow people to see what the company can do...a little reminder for the potential customer.
Also one more thing, make sure older people who you are likely going to be dealing with will be able to read the print on the card. The simpler the card the easier it is to read for older people...they are quite often the customers with the money to spend!!
There's some great variations here of your original post, and what I suggest you do is pick the one's you like (unless you have already settled on something), put them up on the screen together. Pick which one is your favourite or take the elements from the ones you like and put them together.

Then please show us your final choice because I'm sure we are all interested to see the end result!

The more you add to the back of the card the less space you have to write prices, people's long names, and addresses and phone numbers so I'd keep that in mind for the back. By grouping the wording with the web address, you will create space above and no matter which side of the card people see, they will find you.

You have lots to think about and choose from but at the end of the day its you and your husband that have to be happy with the final choice!

All the Best
