Quote Originally Posted by amoore View Post
And, Harry, in the post you cite, I wasn't recommending the use of the QuickShape tool. I was using it as a way to provide other information. Regardless, the QuickShape tool has been part of the interface at least since CorelXara. Comparing Xtreme's toolkit to those in other graphics and DTP apps I use, I would consider the QuickShapes tool a fundamental.

I humbly apologize for the misquote from one of your previous posts.

I still don't see where a 'Create Spirals' function integrated into the QuickShape Tool is that big of a deal to the user interface and code size. Of all the improvements and additions that have been done since I started using Xara Xtreme 3.2, I would think that the addition of some code to generate Spirals would be but a drop in the bucket. Although, from what you say, you seem to think it may be the straw that'll break the camel's back. Also, if I can extrapolate from your quote shown above, if a Spiral Tool was included, in some form, in CorelXara's interface it would be OK to have. But, since it wasn't, we can't have it considered for inclusion now?

I'll go with the 'we'll agree to disagree' and move on to creating another stereogram, or two, with XX. And I'll console myself with the point that Dmitry made, "...they haven't enough resources to implement such a low priority feature." Sometimes, even though there are bigger fish to fry, it's nice to make a nice Jello® Salad (ie.- something that looks nice, is easy to whip together, isn't very filling, and keeps the kids quiet for a short period of time .

A good debate,