
I'm trying to learn and understand dropdown menus so I can build them without doing a lot research to refresh my memory each time I need one. So far, I understand a lot of the pieces: layers, objects, pages, etc. but I'm having trouble putting everything together. I know there are many posts relating to menus, buttons and navbars on the forum, but confusion abounds. Here are some questions I need help with.

1. While disassembling a gallery button, and in spite of what XWD says about not hard grouping buttons or they won't work, Arrange > Remove Soft Group does not allow separation of individual parts. I must use the Ungroup option. Why?

When the button is ungrouped, the text changes colors, in this case white turns blue, and I haven't understood why nor found a way yet to change it back to white. (a) Why does it change colors? (b) Why does the right click > color editor have no effect? (c) What way do I hold my mouth to make it change or keep it from turning blue?

2. Using a gallery navbar, I created a series of submenu options beneath a button then moved the group to the appropriate layer. The resulting action when I changed layers caused the button text to change to the button color. Frustrated, I never found the right combination and permutations of tools to change it back. Why does it change?

3. Are there any significant differences between the Gallery buttons (meaning hidden features) and created-from-scratch buttons? I presume gallery buttons are created from bitmap graphics whereas scratch buttons are built using shaped objects tools in the program.

1. What relation is there between the square color button on the color line and layers, if any?

2. How do I change the button text only color? Button only color?

3. Most of the time, the dot on the square button appears to identify the color of the object but other times the dot is not there. Why? How can I identify the changeable color of the object?

4. Which action on the color bar button popup menu: Set Fill Color or Set Line Color changes the text color? Or does either?

