I made this design in XARA (I guess it's an outdated design now), but I like it.


Problem is, I can't figure out how to add content. XARA did all the coding for the rollover text (and the tabs don't work yet, as this is just a practice drill).

Well, when I tried to add content (any content), I discovered XARA sliced all the way through the page, i.e. the middle is used by the slices (you with me here?)

Well, if I try to go in and add content in XARA, all the pages have that same content....I've tried to import just the html code into XARA, but XARA doesn't like its own code (it shows it all split up).

It's been a long time since I learned how to do frame pages, although this may be my answer, but I guess I can go redo it, but I would like a simpler answer..if anybody here can understand my dilemma, maybe they have an answer for me.

In the meantime, I guess I will try to ungroup a few things and see if that helps.

