Hi Gary
I am from Kuwait,Kuwait is a very small country that is located next to Saudi & Iraq on the Arabian Gulf, our population is less than a million ( 750,000 exactly), I lived in USA, 2 years at Stockton, CA and 7 years in Daytona Beach ,FL. Guys if your are Americans you should visit Daytona Beach and of course visit the one and only drivin beach in the world at least once.
I graduated from colloge as Computer Science dgree. Know i am DataBase Adminstrator (MS SQL6.5, 7 & 2000, NT administrator, V.B programmer plus responsible for producing a Multimedia presentations for the covernoment)
Note: the reason i posted seprately because every time i post reply, then refresh i don't see my posting in. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif[/img]