First off, I want to thank all of you for the help you have given me the past few weeks as I learn (yet another) web design program. There are couple of things I would like to see added to the next program upgrade (of course since I am not a programmer, I'm not even sure if it is feasible). My site utilizes an .asp password protection script (spooky login) which requires that I insert a small piece of script at the top of the page (before the html tag) for the redirection to work. Since there is no way to insert this into the page design of XWD, I must open each page in FP and add the script. This normally would not be an issue except that every time I make a page change, XWD creates new pages for every page in the site. So I have a list of 10 pages or so that I must open in code view of FP and cut and paste the script...very, very tedious. I also have another page that requires the VBSCRIPT tag at the top. So I big deal, I'll just set these pages to NOT PUBLISH in FP...big mistake. Apparently XWD re-writes the index_htm_files every time, so any page that is not published will likely no longer link to the proper graphics file in the newly revised index_html files. This also proved disastrous for me. Obviously several folks on the Forum have asked that the next generation of XMD be designed so that pages that have not been altered remain untouched during the export function, and I agree this would be nice. So here is my there any way (in the next version) to add a tab in the "web properties" dialog box to allow the addition of script that must appear at the top of the page before the html tag? If that was possible, I wouldn't care if the page gets re-configured every save as long as the scripts remain part of the.web file. I'm not really a hand-coder so I'm not sure if this is possible, but it would make my life alot easier. I didn't have this problem with Webstyle because each page was kept intact during publishing.