First off, thanks for all the previous answers to my questions. After reading these posts every day, I am still somewhat confused as to the export process. When I build or change pages, I immediately "save" and update the .web file. When I "export website" I get individual pages with a single folder (index_htm_files). If I select an individual page and use the "export" function and indicate the individual file in the filename, I get a separate folder for that page (i.e. info_htm_files). Am I supposed to have a separate folder for each page, if so, is the "export" function the best to use as I build/edit individual pages. However, when I open these individual folders in explorer, I can see all the images for the entire site in each folder. I have checked the tutorials for how to save files, but I was unable to learn how to best do this. Could someone please give me a 1,2,3 step process for how I actually export the files? When I change a single file, do I update the entire site or is there a way to update a single file (and corresponding folder if created above)?