I have WD, Xtreme (and 3D and Webstyle).

I have constructed a graphic - not an imported photograph - that I want to chop into little bits so that they are assembled by a table or divs in code.

The trivial example is a white circle radius R that fits exactly in a 2R square. I want to divide this image into quadrants. In this simple case of course all I really need is one quadrant because I can flip this to get the others. But what if I have a pattern - again not a photo - and want to split it so that I have the two patterns that are reassembled as header and info bar for example?

Is there a one-step way of doing this in either program? ie take an image and simultaneously split it into two or more parts.

Apart from the photo crop, I can't see a way but I am not that familiar with WD/Xtreme yet. Is this sort of thing available in Xtreme Pro?