So is Xara going through rough times or what? I get an ad for Xara 3D about every other Day now, it used to be every two weeks. Now it's the same ad like every other or two. Anyway, the thing is that I work in a large telecommunications giant here in the USA on a design team, and although I use Xara for a few small things, the reality is the guys I work with need me to work mostly in Adobe because that's the standard. However half of the team here is Mac people and they are all quite jealous of what Xara can do compared to Illustrator and in fact would be the perfect tool for broadcast design which is what we do. My point is that if Xara want's to expand it's potential, so it doesn't have to email me 3 times a week with ads, it should really try and make a dent in the Mac market since most designers I know come from that side and really have very few options even though they would never admit that.
