I am NOT a programmer of any kind. I am BARELY a designer.

For >>"ME"<< - XWD provides me with the greatest opportunity to show what I've decided to create. What I saw in my mind's eye. And put it on the web for all to see.

XWD fits what I need to do perfectly. I need no more than that. This is it.

If it turned out in the future that it no longer suited my needs. I would, at that point, look for a tool that did. There are more than enough other programs that provide the half-WYSIWYG design people keep talking about. Frontpage, Dreamweaver and GoLive are just a few I've seen.

They seem to give you the ability to put things where you want them AND edit the code and such.

I've used this example before.

I wanted a screwdriver. I bought one that works for me. You wanted a screwgun, you bought the same screwdriver I did. But now you keep going to the manufacturer of the screwdriver and asking them to turn it into the screwgun you want.

This would take away from what I wanted and needed. It would also drive up the price of the product I wanted because it would be loaded with features I don't need.

Maybe in the future there will be some kind of XWD Pro because they've figured out a way to import HTML and have it appear on screen or give the ability to tweak the code and have it show up in XWD. I don't know.

I do know that XWD fits my needs and I'm very happy with the way it works as well as the price they've asked for what they've provided.

Thank You again Xara for making something so cool.