Sledger, you've opened up my mind to new possibilities.

I used to have to print the output of my poem software to a pdf and then use the copy tool to copy the text to an MS pub document to lay down the text without a white background. (there are not many programs that can lay copied text down on a jpg document as a background. (maybe the Xara graphic software can...I don't know?)

However, as you explained, I really could do the entire thing within XWD.

If I import a JPG of my background, I can then copy the text and paste it over that BG on the web page itself. The strange thing is, that if I choose the "Pop-Up" mode, when I pop that image larger, the white spots still show...but when I group the text and BG togther using "arrange" and "group", then the white spots disappear.

It's just a little hard working with the text and centering certain lines without an actual text box. Steve