Gary Priester has inspired me to redo my old webpage. Actually he might have been trying to inspire me to buy Web Designer, lol. I just might do that anyway but now I'm going to have to wait for a bit before I can get it.

In the mean time, I am going to share the link to my site for a short time so that you can read my short story 'The Tale of Isa'. It's only 2 pages. I really like this tale and I'm kind of proud of it. I won a Golden Tori award for it.

It will probably not be on my new webpage so you may well be the last people to see it.

The site is very crude as I wrote alot of the code myself. I never share or post the link anymore and it has gone to the wayside. I think it's time to reinvent myself so I post it here and ask if there is anything at all that I should keep. Be brutally honest, as I know it's not very good anyway.

I'll be removing most of the artwork. There are only a few images that I'll carry over. I want to use Xara to make my buttons, headers and navigation bars. If there's nothing worth saving I'll start from scratch.

The biggest question is whether or not I should keep NGartplay. The second is exactly what do I want from my site. I don't know the answer to either of those, lol.

Do not it is: