Quote Originally Posted by Risto View Post
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping_(blogging) *ping" It's merely letting other services know when something has been updated on your site.

Pinging is always free. "Blogging" is a generic term -- ALL frequently updated sites use them. From little ol' me to CNN.

I have no freaking idea how to get a high on Google (if I could do that -- I would be charging you by the hour right now ). I was only able to rank high because your page isn't very well written and all other pages (the other one...) was even worse.

Pings are "all" free. Go here and ping away (it's the strandard WordPress app) to your hearts content: http://pingomatic.com/ (Use at your own risk). If the services don't actually find anything new -- that could be considered spam, and it could hurt you a lot.

As always you seem to be lecturing without reading the question. I have no interest in your judgmental comments on websites I am linked to. To this point I have resisted making any comments about your psycho-babbling all knowing - Poor Man's Dr. Phil site. (Have a little )

I asked Remi a question and you arrogantly answered it. I don't want a link to WIKI or a site that is used by Bloggers to ping Google. I wanted information on how to use Ping services when the web site is a real business and not a blogging site (irrespective of CMS Wordpress etc. or any other tools used to manage the site updates.).

Ping-O-Matic says clearly:

"Ping-O-Matic is a service to update different search engines that your blog has updated."

"I have no freaking idea how to get a high on Google" - FINALLY - you say it and and after deceptively making numerous posts inferring how easy it is.

This is my last post on this issue. I hope readers can sift through the thread and glean the valuable/sincere posts from the self serving, self indulgent ones. Risto - I took a poke at you because I think you deserve it. Let's move on!

The original thread was about the potential value/drawbacks of using h1 tags in a wysiwyg development environment and whether Xara should consider implementing style management in some form. We should all return to that topic.