I am an experienced user of graphics software but I am new to Xara 3D, so I am assuming that I am doing something wrong.

I have a single word consisting of 7 characters. The animation is very simple, the word simply rotates in the horizontal axis. Via the "Window" Menu in X3D I have set the quality to "Highest" and in the "Export" dialog box I have set the palette to 256 colours.

When viewed in X3D the graphic is excellent, sharp colours, sharp edges, smooth animation - in fact perfect. But when viewed through a browser the graphic cannot be used professionally for 2 reasons:-

1. The file size is a wopping 4.5meg!! which would take forever to download if the user was connecting via a 56K modem

2. The quality is not of a professional standard principally because the colour rendition is not accurate and the edges are jagged. The animation is a bit off but is probably just acceptable.

Before I waste any more time could a more experience user please tell me if this software can be used professionally or is it just a bit of fun for the home user?

I use Xara X1 and Xara Webstyle both of which produce results which can be used in a professional environment, so I am a little confused as to why the results produced by X3D are so terrible.

I look forward to somebody telling me that I am doing something really dumb and stupid - because if you don't then I have just wasted $50 and about the same number of hours... http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/confused.gif