OK I've only had the program a few hours and I only did a cursory search but I didn't see any other messages about this...

What I would like to do would be to take a photo popup template from the galley, put it on a page and drag swf files onto the 'buttons'.

When I mouse over the button the flash is displayed on the target for the mouse over.

If you didn't understand that then go to the designs galley, double click on Butterfly photo popup and run it. Imagine that it worked with swf files as well as bitmaps. (Don't actually drop a swf file onto the thumbnails, it breaks the app.)

Also, maybe it should accept a non-animated thumbnail image (swf or bitmap) so I can specify a different static image to represent the flash animation.

I tried dropping a swf onto a thumbnail in Web Designer and broke the app (its not responding) so I usppose this post is: a bug report, a feature request, and a howto request (should someone know how to do this in Web Designer).

Background info:

I use Xara Extreme Pro 4 to make flash files. Some are static images, some are dynamic. I use them for diagrams: demonstrating air flows through bird lungs, pulmonary anatomy, you know, the usual stuff.

A large number of animations on one page gives me cpu usage rates around 20%. I think that's too high and they take up a lot of room.

Many of the diagrams illustrate different aspects of the same thing. I don't want the user to have to scroll past lots of similar diagrams to find the one they want. Mouseover thumbnails or button click thumbnails would be nicer. I could even use labelled tabs to select the flashes.