Hi guys, I just d/l a trial version of xara web design because I heard it was the fastest and the easiest program to use for flash designs but I'm having trouble with figuring out whats what.

I want to design a website that has no page loading. In other words, rather than the page reloading after every click of a link, I just want the certain changes to be made without reloading the page. Similar to the website below:


My first problem is to do with the nav bars. Lets say I have three links at the moment:
_________ |

The box around Home Page is essentially a strip of a different colour to the text and the background and appears under the text for whatever page you are on. If you clicked Links, then the strip would slide from under Home Page and one would slide under Links and the new state would look something like this:

_________ |

The text that was displayed under Home Page I want to fade out and be replaced with a fade in text relevant to Links.

The other thing that I want to have is a roll over effect. When you are on any page and you roll over any of the other links then I want another strip to slide out and "highlight" that selection... so if we were on the links page as before and rolled over the Home Page link, we would have something like this:

_________ |

Obviously when you move the mouse away from the Home Page link without making the selection, the strip would simply slide back off screen. Is this whole thing even possible with xara? If so, how? I'm very confused by the whole layer technique in the program and no matter what I do, nothing seems to work and I end up having a static image no matter what.