Hi All,
I was asked where my ideas for paintings come from. I can only tell you that my ideas are triggered by lots of things, feelings about a subject, dreams, phrases or music,etc.
Sometimes they just pop up out of my Tar Pit of a mind. Then I sit and doodle, the doodles may or may not work into a finished picture. I might have an image for months, sitting in a file, waiting for something to be done to it. The image can be a drawn doodle or an old photo. Then when it is looked at again, in a different light so to speak, it starts to take on it's own reality and goes in a new direction almost by itself (I don't know how else to explain the process). That to me is part of the magic of this whole thing.
The Beast started out as one of the doodles. I think the idea was that there is good and bad in all of us. BR isn't the only one who has a darker side to his work. I tend to get dark in the wee hours myself.
Darn, this is getting long winded.
I will put my disclaimer in here " I am not a teacher". I will try to answer any questions about what, why or how I did something.