When I first began using Xara 1.5 I would type out
a word..enlarge it a bit..then grey over it with cursor..click on font tool and then choose font style from list. That takes too much time and the word stays greyed out unless you click on desktop and then you can see the new font style.
In X all I do is type out word..click with cursor and drag it..right click making duplicate...go back and eliminate the first one...then click on duplicate..go to font tool..(no need to grey out)and choose font style from list. Click with cursor and drag..right click..now you have two with same style..click on the word..go to font tool..choose another style from list...you can make a list of the word in different styles in order to make final choice. Am I saying something that everyone already knows? Sorry,I never read info in Help or any where that it can be done in that way. Sorry...Xara dummy, ya know!

Have a good one-B.Cleg :