It occured to me, since we are listing the features and fixes we would most like to see in the new version of Xara X, that we should list the features we would like to see remain the same.
I have worked as a programmer, and know how programmers can go crazy changing everything, whether it needs changing or not.

It is frustrating to upgrade, with the resulting need to learn a new interface, one that is not as handy or intuitive, and especially when features have been changed unneccesarily, or dropped.

1) I like the basic interface very much, and would not like to see any major changes in it. Please keep the ability to create your own toolbars! And don't be messing with the icons we have all become accustomed to. And don't drop any features!

2) I would not like to see a bunch of new tools. If greater functionality can be added to the present tools, fine. Xara is the best at providing tools that perform several operations without making these operations complex or unintuitive. Illustrator's multiple bezier tools drive me crazy!

3) After thinking about this awhile, I would not like to see more bitmap support, or bitmap brushes, etc. Keep Xara X primarily vector, and fast! (Wouldn't it be great if Xara Ltd. could construct a fast bitmap/paint program, like Photoshop, but lean and mean, and fully compatible with Xara X? I can dream.)

Why, I’m afraid I can’t explain myself, sir, because I’m not myself, you know...
- Lewis Carroll