Arc, the herbalist's son, had made his place in the troll clan long ago with the end of the tale of Isa. The lone survivor of an epic journey, he reaped the rewards of the retelling of the legend. He has since grown into a fierce warrior and a mightly summoner. One of the community serfs looks on with fear as Arc pulls forth the power of the light from the campfire.
I have been in love with Xhris' firebrush ever since downloading it. Never used it but finally decided to use it. Think it makes excellent fire.
My image is a bit dark because I had a strange problem. When I opened the .bmp in XaraX it looked fine. If I open it in IrfanView it looks fine. When I opened it in my main photo program (PaintShopProXI) it looks pixelated. I like to use dodge and burn layers set to 0 hardness and 14% opacity but when I tried using them they applied at 100% and the image was pixelated looking.
I had a similar problem once with my scanner until I changed a setting for 'color smoothing'. Does anyone know if there are settings that can change like that in PS or PSP?
One note...the image seems to be fine once it's posted.