I made this website for a department at a local university (text content isn't mine). I used XaraX to make the design and exported as a bitmap then sliced it with PhotoImpact6 and fixed it into working webpages with WebEditor4 ( ).

One problem I'd like to get feedback on is that in Netscape 4.7 , my bulletted lists aren't bulletted! (numbered lists too) In IE5.5 and Opera 5.11, the lists show up fine.

Also, I just spent over an hour trying to figure out why three of my pages had a gap along the side between where two image slices met. I finally figured out that the problem was that the names of the authors of quotes on three pages were given an intentation from left of 180 pixels. They should have fit but Netscape pushed that cell wider ... so I lessened the spacing.
WHAT A PAIN ...I HATE NETSCAPE ....IT'S NOTHING BUT A PROBLEM FOR PEOPLE MAKING SITES (I won't support making it look good in version 6 and think I'll start charging an extra fee to make it work in 4.7!). I noticed that the people at the unoversity mostly use Netscape too! I've visited three departments for different sites and they all have Netscape so I have to make it work ... ARGG!!
Any suggestions about the bulletted lists would be appreciated. Does Nets-"crap" 4.7 not support these?

David K