This has been killing me for a while now and any help would be massively appreciated.

Im running painter x on a Macbookpro, using downloaded video and video edited in sony vegas, in .mov and .avi. I have quicktime, Perian and VLC installed.

The problem: Painter x wont recognise avi, wont open .mov, either the ones I created or the ones i downloaded.

I keep getting the message 'Can't open file' with now explanation.

I had a similar problem opening the same video files on a pc using Corel Draw x4, it said I didnt have the right codecs, So im wondering if vegas just uses ultra obscure codecs.

So... Does anyone know whats causing the error or how I might go about resolving it? I really wanna rotoscope some clips and doing it frame capture by frame capture is driving me slowly mad.


By the by, has anyone else had problems opening PSD files created in painter x in FCP? This is a completle different problem but hey.