I'm not sure whether WS4 is that useful. I got Graphic Studio 4 and while Xara Xtreme 4 is good for when I need it, that is not my immediate need.

I just want to create a simple site but all the templates are far too complex.

Is there a simple template available at all?

You know - a table that has a text header, a left-hand nav bar, a top-left logo, a right-hand display that spans the top row as well. The body is text and images including a few links.

The menus in WS4 would have made it look very good which is why I shelled out. However I get much closer with either an ancient copy of DW4, free HTML-Kit or CoffeeCup which I am just trying.

I realise I need something HTML-ish as well and that WS4 is only useful on a page-by-page basis. I could edit the code myself but I would have thought that for all the hype, WS4 would do rather more than leave a whole load of JS in the file and not allow the creation of a simple site.

Except by importing menu bars, which is messy, I see no way of using WS4 to generate the few pages I need.

The words learn, walk, run and before spring to mind.

Have I wasted my money? It does seem to be rather old at 2004!