Hey all - i use a web design program (XsitePro- awesome BTW) that also has a forumn like this. In one of the threads there is a an answer that someone answered that they are able to do something in Photoshop and I am sure Xara can do it- with the help from experts in this forum so here it goes.

The post is http://www.xsitepro.com/messageboard...gn+view#p45167

and they are discussing how to blend the header with the column below and using pading and such and the.... The question was...

" Saybrahsays...., I was acutally looking for the techniques he used to create the bottom half of his header. I was curious about the acutal graphics design done and if there are tutorials that teach you how to do that in say photoshop"

and one of the folks stated ..this response...

" it is simple in photoshop. what i normally do is create a box shape the size of the area i would like then add an inside glow to the layer. set the blend mode to normal and change the color to black "

I am looking how to duplicate this method in xara and cannot find how to "add an inside glow to the layer"

Any help would be appreciated!