Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
Nick PSP X2 isn't as intuitive as it used to be I agree. I rarely use it now and have no desire to upgrade it again

What I used to do as far back as version 6 of PSP was to make sure the swatch bg colour was white, create a rectangular selection on the photo the size I wanted, then hit 'delete'. This made a white box to which I added the text via the text tool (after switching the bg colour to black).

But as you say, you have to do this for each photo, but then again, you do need to type the various different text for each photo as well, so it's only one step per photo for the box (which, if you made a standard size you can copy to the clipboard and paste to each successive photo)

I must say, Xara Xtreme has made many things so much easier and less of chore now for me.
Ok. Thanks. I thought there may be a straight way.

However, I will check Xara again. I tried it a few years back and it was buggy and strange. I think it was right at its inception (??) . Ahah! We are talking of different beasts. I was using Xara 3D and was pretty disappointed.
