He He ! Nice works ! No, Live Effects aren't invisible for my eyes and Yes I have fun with them !

Simply, SVG Effects are another kind of beast. You can play with them without knowing any code programming.

To apply some presets to an object (which can be a vector drawing made in Xtreme and exported in SVG or converted into a bitmap PNG), select it and go to Effects/Filters and chose an effect in the list.

Afterwards if you want change any settings, go to Object/Filter Effects. The Filter Effects Window will open and you will have to select what is called a Primitive (like Gaussian Blur, Displacement Map, Turbulence, Color Matrix...) in the Effects area and change the settings below (there are sliders too, like in Live Effects).

I must admit that some changes give unpredictable results for the newbie I am, but this exploration is addictive.

Afterwards you can export your shape in png and import it into XTreme... and eventually add some Live Effect to it.
