Ok. I exported a web page and I got an error:

"Internal program error 3127.k.xp.gn"

When I view the .html file the only thing that is missing is an image I imported from Adobe Illustrator, a .ai format. I understand that is probably the issue. Here's the issue though. The thing I created in that program was simply a sentence in an arc shape. I couldn't figure out how to make text in an arc. I tried to follow a tutorial that is actually in these forums somewhere. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns9jreRjY7A

I couldn't follow the tutorial however. The person talked funny and I could barely understand him even with my volume up as high as it could go. Plus his tutorial didn't move all that smoothly. Mainly though, it's sorta difficult for me to follow video tutorials unless they are seriously step by step.

I saw that he took part of a circle and deleted parts of it, which I couldn't seem to find the button he was using..plus, I dont even know if I would succeed anyways cuz my guess is once I delete the line the text is wrapping around, the text will disapear too, but, it's just a guess...

I guess I need help to make it more clear how to wrap text around a curve and if there are requirments for the curve or text thats doing the wrapping.