Firstly hi everyone,

Great forum you have here.

I have got a rush job to do. I must stress that my Computer skills are fairly limited let alone Photoshop skills.

I have an ecommerce website under construction, my job is to take all my product photos. This is easy enough. I now have to place the products on a white background. Please don't mention the magic wand cause i found that to be pants as my range of products contains almost every shade of every colour it would appear.

I have untill now been cropping them with the polygon lasso and this is fine but very time consuming. Anyway, I finished them all and was told by the webdesigners that they were to big and i had to do them again saving them in the region of 200x200 pixels or something like that. So I done them again, Another 3 nights of cropping. Finally finished today and guess what. They are too small. I still have the originals but i'm not happy with the colour of them as i tried to drop a pink background in and use the magic wand tool but alll this has done is reflected onto my products leaving all white bottles with a pink shade.

So i'm going to retake my photos tonight and start at the beggining.

I have been instructed to set my camera at 800x600 and snap away. Does that sound about right? They said something about when they refine the whole site together it will automatically resize them.

What's the best, easiest and quickest way to cut out my images of the products to have them sitting on a white background?

Sorry if this is all over the place but so is my head.

Thanks in advance,


P.S. Anybody fancy cutting them for me then i'm open to discuss as i feel i would rather do a life sentence than cut my images again.