
Although I've not been visiting this forum, I've been keeping up with the various versions and now have XXP4. However, in the past few days I've come up with a problem regarding exporting TIFs and dpi.

I'm currently doing a manual where the source files are being scanned in at 300dpi, tarted up using PhotoPaint 8.0, saved and then brought into XXP4 for tarting up the text etc. I then export them as 300 dpi TIFs -- only, they don't -- export at 300dpi I mean. They export at 96dpi. I've applied the patch but that hasn't corrected it and since I was convinced it used to work, I went to the trouble of uninstalling XXP4 and reinstalling XXP3 and it now works(!), i.e. using XXP3, I export at 300dpi and it DOES export at 300dpi!!!

So there appears to be a problem with XXP4's export resolution, at least with TIFs and possibly other formats. Has anyone else come across this problem? If they have and they've solved it, how did they solve it? Any help with this would be most appreciated. And please, I really don't want anyone telling me to reduce the size by 32%. XXP4 supposedly gives me the ability to export at 300dpi so why doesn't it? I want to export at 300dpi (as version 3 does - and as far as I can remember all the versions before it) not at 96 dpi (as version 4 does). If I use version 4, I have to load the file back into PhotoPaint and change the dpi there - and when you have several hundred files to handle it all adds to the workload.

Hoping someone can come up with an answer. Incidentally, it's good to see that the forum is still going strong.
