Just in case the FTP idea is causing you problems. . .


  1. To post a picture within the text of your message, you have to have web space somewhere.
  2. If, for some reason, you don't have web space with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) there are places like www.geocities.com or www.xoom.com that give you free space for a website. The free services almost always have a program to help you build a web page (and help you load your images onto their computer (server)). I remember that geocities wanted the stuff in your web site to be available to the public (no secret passwords) and they didn't want you to use their site to just to house your files so the web site should have a link to the images you plan to share with us.
  3. If you do have web space with your ISP then, you should get a good FTP program like WS FTP (I've always liked this one) or CuteFTP (a highly recommended FTP program). You can download either of these shareware programs from www.tucows.com . You may have to ask your Internet Service Provider (ISP) how you set up the FTP program. I used to use WS-FTP but I started to use the FTP program within Macromedia Dreamweaver.
  4. Now, I use my FTP program to make the directory in my web space (with dreamweaver, it is drag and drop -- very easy :-)). I also like to leave the directory without an index.html file so that the server will generate a page with a list of the files in the directory for me. (that is why it is normally a good habit to have an index.html file in directories where you don't want snoops :-) )
  5. At this point, I navigate to my web site, and specifically go to my special paintutor directory. The server pulls up a page and calls it the index of the paintutor directory and lo . . . I have a list of my images. If I can't remember what I named the images, I can right mouse click the hyperlink to my image and tell my browser to open in a new window and verify my image. Then I right mouseclick in the URL window and copy the URL to my image. By copying the URL, the URL is placed in my windows clipboard.
  6. Now, in the browser window that you have open to the message you are writing, there is a group of buttons to the bottom right hand section that is named UBB. Select the UBB image button.

    This will bring up a window that starts with http:// this should also pop up with the http selected so go ahead and right mouse click (once again,) and paste the URL that you had placed in your windows clipboard.
  7. Hopefully, if everything went right, you will see your image within the text of your message (instead of as an attachment).

Reminder, if you don't have web space to house images, then you're doomed to attaching your images to the end of the message (and the image will have a little paperclip showing it is an attachment at the end of your message).

Also, if any of your efforts to insert an image melt down (while you're cooking soup or your computer [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img] ) then please tell me at which number in the above steps the meltdown begins. You can e-mail me or post a question here. (remember if you post a question here, other people with the same question will also get the benefit of the question -- and hopefully the answer also).

Good luck posting!

