Xara is looking for external development talent to help increase the number and quality of import and export filters in Xara X.

Xara X will soon support 'plug-in' filters that enable external developers to build and test filters independently. The plug-ins must convert data to/from Xara X's native XAR format (previously known as the Flare format). We've updated the XAR format documentation so that it now describes all the object types up to Xara X1.


We also provide a library to help filter developers process and generate XAR data (http://www.xara.com/support/docs/web...ml#SupportCode). On export, Xara X will be able to automatically convert complex object types down to simpler types on behalf of the filter, where that's appropriate. This should reduce the development work required to implement most filters.

We'll be continually updating and improving the XAR web site and we'll soon add details of the filter plug-in mechanism. So check the revision date regularly. However there should be enough information already available on the site to enable filter development work to start immediately.

Here's a list of some of the formats for which we're interested in creating filters. Some of these are already being progressed internally, but we're still interested to hear from external developers who have knowledge in these areas:
<LI>Xara XML
<LI>AutoCad DXF[/list]
Ideally we prefer filters to be developed in C++, but it's possible other languages could be used for some filters. Clearly it's important that developers have a good knowledge of the target format, or at least a willingness to thoroughly learn about the format so that the most appropriate data conversions can be implemented. We're interested in work being conducted on a contract basis or even possibly on a permanent employment basis.

If you have the appropriate skills and are interested in working on one of these filters with Xara, please email jobs@xara.com. Or if you know someone else that might be interested please let them know about this opportunity.