The last several files (5-10 since installing the Xpro4CD) Files worked having multiple layers. I've not been able to delete the extra layers unless, after a save, closing & re-opening the file again then able to delete extra layers.

This is happening constantly for me at the end of the design process. Once I complete the sep layers I'll delete any junk layers. This is when I notice the problem & have to reload the file.

When selecting a layer & clicking the delete button in the layer gallery, nothing happens.

Can some of ya'll check this for me? Set up a template that has multiple layers, so that when you open a new file there are 3-4 layers with items on them. You may have to work the file a bit. In my default template, the extra layer are all blank except for crop marks & CMYK text.

I'm using Windows XP & Xara X4pro cd install.

I'm using Windows XP & Xara X4pro cd install.